Have you ever wanted to be with someone, but their already with someone? Now what if that person their with has hurt them, be it physically, mentally or emotionally? I have, and I still am. She is my friend, and I respect her decision, but i found out this summer something that makes me madder then I have ever been. I found out that over the summer, she was raped and beaten by her boyfriend.

I always hear from her that she wants to leave him, and I have been in this situation as well. I was with a girl for the second time,  and the first time she broke my heart. Bad. It was Valentines day, she had cheated on me on the weekend before. I came to school with a V-day gift for her and my best friend told me this. "Brett, I have bad news. Chelsey is breaking up with you." I had thought he was joking because he did that a lot. This, was not the case. She had been cheating on me with a grade 12 during the weekend. The worst part was that she sent my friend a text trying to make him do it. I was angry with her for that, but when I found her, she played it like no big deal. After months of pain and torture aimed at myself, thinking I was not good enough for anyone, she came back. She asked for me back. I thought I could trust her again. I was dead wrong. We dated for about a month before I found out she was again cheating on me, so I broke up with her. It took me about a week to muster up the courage to do it, but I did. I broke her heart, or so it seems to me.

After hurting her, I have yet to be with someone again, I almost got with another girl. It didn't work because she stole my phone and ran. I have been lonely ever since and been careful who I care about. Nightly I lock myself in my room and think, "Am I good enough for anyone, or will i forever be alone?". I have yet to have an answer.

Back to the girl from paragraph one. I have cared about her since I first saw her. She's so beautiful, like an angel, she's smart, funny and so caring. I have always been there for her, and been trying to help her with her "Bad Boyfriend". I do understand the difficulty in breaking up with someone, but when it comes down to it, she can do better than him. Now I'm not saying I'm better, I don't think so, but she deserves better. 
16/4/2013 12:24:36 pm

I haven't really experienced any of this, since I am in fact forever alone, but it is most likely really difficult to let go of someone you've been with for a while and you have feelings for even though you know deep down it's a really bad decision and you'll regret it in the future.

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