

When I mention video gaming to people I bet you can guess what games they think of first, games like Call Of Duty™,Halo™ or other games. I do enjoy those games a little, but there is one thing that I always think about when I buy a game, especially "war games".

How realistic it is. For me, I wish to go into the military when I'm 18 years of age, but the one thing everyone tells me is, "It's not like the video games you play". I know this, I've seen the helmet-cams of soldiers, but there are realistic games out there actually, and these game are, in order of less to most, Battlefields™ (1943™, bad company™, bad company 2, and Battlefield 3) and the ArmA series (Arma™, Arma 2, and the newest Arma 3).

With the help of these games I believe that I will be better equipped in dealing with anything my opponent or my countries opponent will throw at us. For in the Call of Duty series it is most unrealistic. Some examples of this are: bullet damage, bullet ballistics, equipment, and the guns and attachments. For the bullet damage it takes about half a magazine to kill an opponent, where depending on where you hit him it should take 1-3 shots for automatic assault rifles. One shot for snipers (where Battlefield fails) and 1-2 shots for shotguns (but too unrealistic ranges). For bullet ballistics, they should be affected by weather and the elements, like Battlefield or the ArmA series. For equipment, some of the damage for grenades or stun grenades are too much, and the range of hacking equipment is too much and too powerful. For guns and attachments, some guns are more powerful than others, like in the newest installment in the Call of Duty™ franchise, Black Ops II, there is one gun called the (SPOILER ALERT) AN-94, is realistic with its 2 shot kill but in comparison to the other guns in the game, it is WAY too over-powered. The attachments are sometimes reasonable except for the MMS in Black Ops II, or silencers reducing power in all Call of Duty games since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ . I'm not going to get into the Halo™ series because I do realize it is a game where the guns are very futuristic and it has aliens in it.

I'll finish this here because I feel like I'll be boring some of you, but just to finish it off, here is a simple gaming equation for me: real+fun=A++ rating.