Community is an essential thing for human life. If humans do not socialize then we go insane, I know this because I am half insane for not being social. Community helps us socialize and therefore we stay sane. That is also why if someone is locked in themselves by themselves we others find them creepy and insane. They talk to themselves and have weird thoughts, but does this truly make them insane?

    I don't believe so. I talk to myself sometimes, I'm actually doing so right now as I write this. It helps me get thoughts out of my head. I also have UNIQUE thoughts, not weird. The definition of weird is that that is not normal, but what is normal? Normal is a figment of our imagination (which helps create unique thoughts) and therefore there is no such thing as normal. Normal is the opposite of unique and if you can remember all your role models say that they got where they are by doing that which others could not. So does that mean they are weird, because they are not normal.

    I have ran out of ideas, for now, so stay tuned.



Above is Roy Halladay, former pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays, current pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, but not actually. He is on the Disabled List (DL). This does not mean he is disabled as in he won't walk again or be able to speak. He is injured, an arm injury. I too have had this injury, and believe you me, it is not fun. He will be undergoing surgery for this problem. Baseball, on the site I'll post a link to, was rated 5th most dangerous sport. That is a pretty high number when you think off all the sports out there. It was ranked higher the ice hockey even. Here is the link, Baseball players can suffer injuries as minor as cuts and bruises, which happen often, to broken arms and legs or dis-located knees and shoulders. I have been in one game and one tryout where there have been dis-located knees, and do you know why? If not, here's the right answer. Batting. Most people who don't play baseball don't understand the stress put on the joints. When you are throwing, you are using all you muscles from your waist, through your body, and down your arm to your wrist. So think of all the muscles and joints under pressure. When batting, you are using your whole body. From your ankle, up your legs, (through your knees), up your body, into your arms and once again, down to your wrists. If you feel that the game of baseball is for pussies who can't stand pain, your wrong. I dare you to go out and have a game of baseball if you haven't yet, and try your hardest, through your body around like if you don't you are the pussy. Unless you don't try your hardest, you will come off that field battered, bruised, and sore as fuck. When i play, I through everything I have into it. When I pitch, if my arm is not killing me when I'm done, I didn't do my job. So the next time you say someone is pussy for having get hurt in a game of baseball, think about what kind of person they are, for you may be talking to the person you will rely on for welfare because you never tried your hardest.

Generation Jobless


My generation cannot find jobs. The reasons for this are that "Boomers" from the generation before have not left their jobs for retirement and employers are out sourcing jobs or getting machines to do the jobs. Young people also have to have job experience for these jobs we are trying to get, but if we are not hired, how are we supposed to get it? I'll tell you how. By hiring us! How do you get us in the work force? By hiring us! That's all that's needed. How does a student pay off a debt or buy a car if they have no job. Employers don't give students a chance. Instead the out source or get machines to do the work so they can save a few bucks. Some places make millions or even billions of dollars a year, but they would rather hire someone who gets payed five cents a day, work in terrible conditions and are half way across the world. Here is what I have to say to employers. GIVE US A CHANCE!

    I wrote a blog on relationships about a few girls. The one I talked about the most was one with a bad boyfriend. She is has broken up with him now. I am happy for her, but too shy to "make my move". I don't want to ruin our friendship, but it kills me to think of what could be. I don't know what to do. She is a great friend and a beautiful women. I however, am a pitiful excuse of a man. If you know what I should do, please comment 



      I have just started playing paintball and I love it. It is a fast paced, exciting game that is fun at all times. Sure being shot hurts at first, but you are so focused that you don't even feel it.

    Paintball guns are actually called "Paintball Markers". I don't know why yet, but it does sound less menacing.

`    The gun I would like to get the most would have to be, the Tippman Custom 98 PRO.
The reason I like this marker is because it is very durable, easy to use, small, and has a fore grip so that it is more accurate. Like I said I am just starting out, so I need an easy to care for, durable marker. I am big on accuracy so this is a good choice. I like the fore grip on it because then I'm not holding it by the barrel. this marker goes for about $250 on Now you may say, "That's a lot of money." but for this marker. It is not, plus the one on kijiji comes with extras.



I always have admired how authors write books, but now I respect them. I am writing a book for my passion project entitled: Two Views: The Pacific. I have just started chapter three and it is really hard to write. I can't see how authors do the for tons of books. I was hoping I could have it done within two weeks of starting, but I don't think that will happen. I am trying to have it start with the attack on Pearl Harbor and end with the battle of Okinawa, but just getting to Midway has taken two chapters. I will need some feed back as I go, so I will post what I have weekly and would appreciate any tips
Have you ever wanted to be with someone, but their already with someone? Now what if that person their with has hurt them, be it physically, mentally or emotionally? I have, and I still am. She is my friend, and I respect her decision, but i found out this summer something that makes me madder then I have ever been. I found out that over the summer, she was raped and beaten by her boyfriend.

I always hear from her that she wants to leave him, and I have been in this situation as well. I was with a girl for the second time,  and the first time she broke my heart. Bad. It was Valentines day, she had cheated on me on the weekend before. I came to school with a V-day gift for her and my best friend told me this. "Brett, I have bad news. Chelsey is breaking up with you." I had thought he was joking because he did that a lot. This, was not the case. She had been cheating on me with a grade 12 during the weekend. The worst part was that she sent my friend a text trying to make him do it. I was angry with her for that, but when I found her, she played it like no big deal. After months of pain and torture aimed at myself, thinking I was not good enough for anyone, she came back. She asked for me back. I thought I could trust her again. I was dead wrong. We dated for about a month before I found out she was again cheating on me, so I broke up with her. It took me about a week to muster up the courage to do it, but I did. I broke her heart, or so it seems to me.

After hurting her, I have yet to be with someone again, I almost got with another girl. It didn't work because she stole my phone and ran. I have been lonely ever since and been careful who I care about. Nightly I lock myself in my room and think, "Am I good enough for anyone, or will i forever be alone?". I have yet to have an answer.

Back to the girl from paragraph one. I have cared about her since I first saw her. She's so beautiful, like an angel, she's smart, funny and so caring. I have always been there for her, and been trying to help her with her "Bad Boyfriend". I do understand the difficulty in breaking up with someone, but when it comes down to it, she can do better than him. Now I'm not saying I'm better, I don't think so, but she deserves better. 
When people think of bullying, they only see the physical version of it. Now that used to be the only kind and what could cause a few suicides a year, but now it is the verbal that is the problem. There have been so many cases of people being verbally bullied and then committing suicide. I myself have been a victim of this bullying and have thought about suicide. This kind of bullying causes people to feel worthless, unwanted and brings their self-esteem down. The old saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is a lie. I would rather them break my bones then call me horrible names. Broken bones heal, but words never do, they are emotional wounds. Emotional wounds never heal because you forever remember, and never know why.

There was a case out British Columbia, and we all know about it. It is the Amanda Todd suicide, and do you know why she did this. She was bullied. Both verbally and physically. She was bullied so bad that she felt worthless and unwanted. She felt that everyone was against her and used her. This is a question to anyone out there who bullies someone, both physically of verbally. How would you feel, if it was happening to you? If kids were calling you stupid, retard, or said you have sex with animals. It hurts, I know. It's happened to me since the age of nine, and it still happens. The worst part is that even after she is dead, the kids are still going. They say she deserves it, that she was asking for it. Nobody deserves to be bullied and nobody asks for it. I think it is sad, that kids were such, Scheiße Köpfen.

Zugzwang, year one


Well, here we are. The end of the first year and it was a dozy. People dying, people being poor, and why? Some blame the government, some blame other citizens. I do not blame, however. Sure the government screwed up in some places, and others did to. Here is what is say to the people who are blaming, fix it. Get one of the jobs, do or get stuff for Mr. Kemp, make the money you want. The government can not help you since there are no taxes.  
Another thing is, do you think you could have done better. It was the first year and we are just humans, we make mistakes. I forgive them and like I said at the town hall meeting, I saw some of this coming. I saw the greed and the betrayal.
Today we had the town hall, it was very disappointing. I say this because a lot of people didn't say anything at all and some of the few that did had very weak arguments. Now I'm not saying that we all had things to say at first, but as it continued there where lots of subjects for my classmates to give their opinion on. Another thing that was disappointing was that almost everyone that said anything blamed the government for the about forty deaths that will occur during this year, but it is not the governments fault. I believe in this one saying that my father always says to me, and his father said it to him and so on, "Only YOU are in control of YOUR own life". I believe everyone should understand what this saying is well, saying. Even if this is just a simulation, you will lose family members, but who is at fault for that. Human nature is to blame others, from burning your food when they took the pet out to your friend spending your money on you. If you are reading all of this here is another side to these examples. You could have watched your own food and who gave your friend your your money? To every story there are two sides. In the case of our meetings main topic, the government not caring for the people, let me ask you this. How are they supposed to?  The opposition did not pass the tax bill, therefore the government has no money to spend on welfare or to buy food for the people without it. So, after the bill was not passed, people who could not afford the food couldn't get help from the government. Another topic was people had more power units then they were supposed to, but again, why blame the government? They followed the bill that was passed for the power and here is that bill.

Bill Two: 
Electricity & Power  
Appendix One: The Distributor of Electricity & Power  
I: The cost of power will and shall not exceed $100.00/unit
II: Power must be distributed to all that ask and may not be withheld for any reason, restrictions to one per person.
III: The Power plant may be sold, but not to exceed the price paid & all offers must be considered, unless the power plant is owned by the government. 
IV: Trading will be allowed as long as the unit traded is equivalent to $100.  
Appendix Two: The Government  
I: The government shall not intervene unless power is being withheld.
II: The government will inspect the price and quantity of power being sold.
III: Should the government own the Plant the same laws and regulations apply as if the plant were owned by a private citizen.

So why are the people blaming the government!?!? People who I shall not name had two, I know, and the government sold one per person and nowhere in the bill is it said that people with farms or buildings are obligated to have power. It was up to them to buy it.

I am going to end it here because I'm out of things to go on about, but I doubt this will be the last time I write something like this.