Community is an essential thing for human life. If humans do not socialize then we go insane, I know this because I am half insane for not being social. Community helps us socialize and therefore we stay sane. That is also why if someone is locked in themselves by themselves we others find them creepy and insane. They talk to themselves and have weird thoughts, but does this truly make them insane?

    I don't believe so. I talk to myself sometimes, I'm actually doing so right now as I write this. It helps me get thoughts out of my head. I also have UNIQUE thoughts, not weird. The definition of weird is that that is not normal, but what is normal? Normal is a figment of our imagination (which helps create unique thoughts) and therefore there is no such thing as normal. Normal is the opposite of unique and if you can remember all your role models say that they got where they are by doing that which others could not. So does that mean they are weird, because they are not normal.

    I have ran out of ideas, for now, so stay tuned.

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