When people think of bullying, they only see the physical version of it. Now that used to be the only kind and what could cause a few suicides a year, but now it is the verbal that is the problem. There have been so many cases of people being verbally bullied and then committing suicide. I myself have been a victim of this bullying and have thought about suicide. This kind of bullying causes people to feel worthless, unwanted and brings their self-esteem down. The old saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is a lie. I would rather them break my bones then call me horrible names. Broken bones heal, but words never do, they are emotional wounds. Emotional wounds never heal because you forever remember, and never know why.

There was a case out British Columbia, and we all know about it. It is the Amanda Todd suicide, and do you know why she did this. She was bullied. Both verbally and physically. She was bullied so bad that she felt worthless and unwanted. She felt that everyone was against her and used her. This is a question to anyone out there who bullies someone, both physically of verbally. How would you feel, if it was happening to you? If kids were calling you stupid, retard, or said you have sex with animals. It hurts, I know. It's happened to me since the age of nine, and it still happens. The worst part is that even after she is dead, the kids are still going. They say she deserves it, that she was asking for it. Nobody deserves to be bullied and nobody asks for it. I think it is sad, that kids were such, Scheiße Köpfen.
1/4/2013 11:18:10 pm

Im really sorry to hear about the story you wrote about it. Good for you for sharing your story with others, there are many people that are there for you. Bullies are weaker then you, so stay strong. This blog was really well done, stay strong and keep up the good work.

Shanelle (JHSS)
1/4/2013 11:41:24 pm

This is really touching! I have experienced verbal bullying so I am glad you are spreading the word about how it is as hurtful or even more hurtful than physical bullying! Stay strong as Mel said. You did a great job of capturing raw emotion in this post!

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